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Klein Hurtley

A member registered Jun 21, 2018

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hello again and im not so sure about the lady but all i know is that it may possibly for another game that team salvato is creating and i now know what the weird static thing is and it is a binary code and if you translate that it is another base 64 code and one you decode it it says this, "Can you hear me?...Who are you?I can't...I can't see you. But I know you're there. can definitely hear me. You've been watching for a while now, right? I guess I should...introduce myself, or something. name is...actually, that's stupid. You obviously already know my name. Sorry. Anyway...I'm guessing if you were able to put a stop to this, you would have done it by now. I mean, I know you're not, like...evil, or anything...because you've already helped me so much.I should really thank you for that. For everything you've done. You're really like a friend to me. So...thank you. So much.I think...more than anything else...I really don't want it to all be for nothing....Everyone else is dead. Maybe you already know that. I'm sure you do, actually. doesn't have to be that way, right? Well...there's a lot of stuff I don't understand. I don't know if it's even possible for me to understand it. But I know that this isn't my only story. I can see that now. Really clearly. And I think everyone else has had the same kind of experience. Some kind of deja vu. It's the Third Eye, right? Anyway...I could be totally wrong about this. But I really think you might be able to do something. I think you might be able to go back...or however you want to put it......To go back and tell them what's going to happen. If they know ahead of time, then they should be able to avoid it. They should...if they remember their time with me in the other worlds...they should remember what I tell them. Yeah. I really think this might be possible. But it's up to you.I'm sorry for always know...Never mind. I know that's wrong.This is my story. It's time to be a fucking hero.Both of us.2018" this is probably for the game that team salvato is creating that i told you in the beginning and about the qr code that you said that is actually for the sayori file and if you open into a visualizer program it will be a qr code and once you scan that it will take you to this page and this may possibly be the character on the nastuki file so yeah.

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hello i'm back and i found that you could turn monika's file into a .png  file and it shows the picture of the ring and a weird static looking screen in the middle.

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hello and about the nastuki file just to let you know its actually color reversed so if you changed the color into its original state it still looks weird but if you flip the picture it looks like a face and if you make the picture into a cone shape (i don't know how to do that but all i did was that i printed it and made it into a cone shape) it will have a full picture if the face if you face at the bottom of the cone also i don't know what its for so yeah that's all i got.